I found a pattern for flipper socks on the internet-here- http://www.p2designs.com/images/patterns/set-froggy.html#website/p2new%20folder/p2new/images/patterns/set-froggy.html except that I turned it so that the smooth side was out. I just liked it better. And, yes, I know, I have another flipper to finish.
Bear couldn't stand seeing those pompoms-it was all he could do not to chomp them!
So maybe you could knit a hat and matching flippers for Bear?
Cute, cute, cute!!!!!
(And thanks for the compliment!)
Oh that is too cute!
I'm not sure Bear believes what he sees.
The flippers are too much - how do people dream these fantastic things up??
Very very cute! Love the flipper socks!
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