Monday, May 19, 2008

Joseph and Beast, and another Beast (Bear)

Ahhhhhh! Victoria Day Weekend! This is when you are supposed to put in your new plants, and do the yard work and go to all the yard sales (maybe have one of your own). That would suppose it would be warm enough, and dry enough, to do all of those things. This morning, when I got up, it was only 6 degrees Celsius!!(That would be about 42 degrees Fahrenheit for the non metric). And rainy. In fact, it has been rainy all weekend. So I have used this opportunity to do, well, very little. AHHHH! I do love a holiday!
Om Friday night, the whole family went out to the local production of "Beauty and the Beast". It was put on by the Kinsmen, in the newly renovated Grand Theatre. I had a BLAST!
Which brings us to another theatrical extravaganza..............
Last week, the Grades 4 to 8 students at our school just put on a performance of "Joseph and the Technicoloured Dream Coat". It was pretty awesome. This is the backdrop I came up with. Initially, the director wanted something all beige and cream coloured sand. I talked her out of it when I asked her if the pale students in the mostly white costumes would show up against that backdrop. So I got my way, pink sky and all! To put on a spring show was an awful lot of work, and I am getting very worried about the math part of the EQAO testing for my Grade 6s (I teach a split 6/7). So, for the rest of the month, I am going to teach mostly math and language to them, and then after the test, I will teach the social studies and science. I just hope it all works out!!!!!!!!

And Bear is always around to give me a giggle and a good dose of reality. Her he is with his "lips"-basically a set of stuffed lips with teeth and a tongue and a squeaky. He runs around here with it stuck in his mouth, and I know he thinks he is damn cute (which he is) because he goes out of his way to come right up to you and make "huff, huff" sounds (which I think means laughter). Bear is coming along well- in fact, last week he did something he has never ever done before. I was out in the front yard with him, and a friend drove up to the drive and stuck his head out of his car to chat. Bear got in between the car and me, and barked!!!!! He has never EVER protected me before (usually he will bark, but from the relative safety of behind my skirt!) So he is coming along well. He still won't eat if I am in the kitchen (he WILL however, stand there, drooling furiously, but I guess I am his "alpha", since he expects me to go to the food first and then decide to (if?) leave him some.) So I usually have to go to the living room or dining room and sit down for him to start to eat. Hmmmm.
And this is supposed to be a knitting blog, right????? Okay-I have been knitting-but I can't seem to settle down to do one thing, or finish anything. So when I finally do something worthwhile and worth showing-I will let you know. I did get Cat Bordhi's new sock book. Amazing feats of engineering, those socks. And so very, very tempting.............


Carol said...

I took the leap yesterday morning and planted my marigolds. Before the rain started. Hopefully they survive....

So much for my plan to get a tan.

Diane said...

No planting here yet. There may even be frost tonight. My friend told me that this morning there was a bit of snow (but then she lives south of here in the hills).

I love Bear's lips (and he has a very large tongue-button, too...aka nose). I'll show Gypsy tomorrow...she has toddled off to bed for the night.

Bea said...

Abby Says: I wuv you Bear. Me n Gus we share you lips. Make lots of squeeky noise happy dancing.

I hope your Grade 6s do well! The background looks wonderful. I love the pink sky!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.