Last night we had our annual "End of the Block/End of the Summer" Backyard BBQ. It is great fun- we invite the neighbours who live at the end of our block, and it is one of those pot luck affairs. We had great fun. In the picture, that's Annie with the big grin, and her friend (who has dyed her hair blue for the start of Grade 8), and, as Sean says, the rest is the "load test" on the new deck (it all held, thank you very much). You can see what Bear was up to-wanting to know what he could schmooze from someone (mostly me!) The kids- and some of the adults- all got into the pool. Then we barbecued (well, Sean did) and ate and drank, and for dessert, I had a "brain flash". I bought these mini frozen cream puffs (filled with some sort of cream). I set them out, with chocolate sauce, and sprinkles, and butterscotch sauce and whipped cream (the real thing) and just let everyone make their own dream dessert. I would highly recommend it!!!!
Have a good Labour Day, whatever you do- and to all returning to school- good luck!
Added later................................
Shout out to JULIA and to JANET and to any of my other teacher or EA friends out there-have a good Tuesday!!!!
Good luck tomorrow. I have had already 3 days with the students.
Bear looks, dare I say , a little strung out....
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