Monday, October 13, 2008

Thanksgiving Day.......

Thanksgiving Day- makes me things about the things I am truly thankful for.

First of all- my family. Sean is healthy, gainfully employed, as cute as the day we married-he is "da bomb" as they say. And Annie is healthy, and smart, and artistic and musical, and has all the things that we can give her. Bear is a great pup-I was so worried when we first dragged him home that we were bringing home a whole lot of trouble- but nope- we have a wonderful, loyal dog that I love dearly. My mother is 5 minutes away from us, and, at 79, can still be mistaken for a much younger lady (some even still want her to prove she has hit the 65 mark to get the discounts!!!!). She is healthy, full of p and v, and a good friend.

I have enough to eat, enough to knit (well, for now, anyway!!!!), a place to sleep (with a low mortgage that won't keep me up at night), and no feeling that will change in the future.

This Thanksgiving, I cooked about half the meal for my mom, brought it all over to her house, and then had supper with my mom, my husband, my daughter and my two sisters and their families (slightly incomplete families, but most were there). My dog was there, my younger sister's new puppy (a delightful long haired miniature daschund puppy (9 weeks old) named Winston-all 4 pounds of him!) was also part of the entourage, as was my mother's older dog, Elmo (he is a sometimes cranky, very spoiled ShiTzu). So it was great fun- lots of talking, eating, catching up.

So -all's right in my world. Until I have to go back to school tomorrow and face a certain person. The bright side is that I have a top notch student teacher-Hi, Jennifer!- makes the job a whole lot easier.

Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadians-go out and count your blessings.


Anonymous said...

and dont forget to vote

Bea said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you! I'm glad it was a good day.

Diane said...

Glad you had a great weekend with the fambly! Gypsy sends woofles to all.

Anonymous said...

We've done that 'travelling meal' thing before, too. Lots of organization! Glad to hear you have a great student teacher.